Personal Stories

What Hispanic Heritage Month Means to Me: Relay Teachers Share

October 2, 2023
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Relay Graduate School of Education

Lulu Guzman

Ms. Guzman is in her first year teaching social studies at KIPP Somos Collegiate in San Antonio, TX. She was selected as a Relay Ambassador and is pursuing her Master of Arts in Teaching at Relay, set to graduate in 2025. She has worked with underserved communities since she was living in Chiapas, Mexico, and is passionate about education and advocating for immigrant and minority communities.

"I decided to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month wearing clothes that make me feel closer to my country, since it is also a way in which I can celebrate Mexico's Fiestas Patrias even though I am far away. I must confess that I did not expect the reaction of my students; seeing them excited when they see me in the hallways, recognizing clothes that are perhaps more common outside of school but that proudly represent the origins of many of us in this community.

Wearing clothing that represents my country is a feeling of pride that cannot be compared to anything because it reminds me that I belong to a community that is characterized by its hard work to create a better future no matter where we are, and I am happy to celebrate it with my students and show them that our stories and heritage deserve to be celebrated."

"Decidí celebrar el Hispanic Heritage Month en mi salón vistiendo ropas que me hacen sentir más cercana a mi país, ya que también es una forma en la que puedo celebrar las Fiestas Patrias de México aunque esté lejos. Debo confesar que no me esperaba la reacción de mis estudiantes; verlos emocionados cuando me ven por los pasillos, reconociendo ropas que tal vez son más comunes fuera de la escuela pero que orgullosamente representan los orígenes de muchos de nosotros en esta comunidad.

Vestir ropa representativa de mi país es un sentimiento de orgullo que no se puede comparar con nada. Me recuerda que pertenezco a una comunidad que se caracteriza por su arduo trabajo para crear un futuro mejor sin importar en donde nos encontremos, y me alegra poder celebrarlo con mis estudiantes y demostrarles que nuestras historias y herencia merecen ser festejadas."

JenaLynn Settles

Ms. Settles is a 5th grade ELA teacher at IDEA Ewing Halsell in San Antonio, TX. She deserves a big ¡Felicidades! as she completed her Master of Arts in Teaching with Relay in 2023, and is in her third year of teaching. Learn more about Ms. Settles in her student spotlight here!

Our Hero in History we discussed in my class was Cesar Chavez! Cesar Chavez was a folk hero and symbol of hope to millions of Americans. In 1962, he and a few others set out to organize a union of farm workers. Nearly everyone told them it was impossible. However, they succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imaginings.

"We draw our strength from the very despair in which we have been forced to live.
We shall endure"
- Cesar Chavez

I spoke to my scholars about the importance of perseverance. We discussed how to better advocate for ourselves and one another. Being Latina and raised here myself on the South Side of San Antonio really puts things into perspective. My scholars understand the barriers we sometimes are faced with, and know we can come together to adapt and overcome these circumstances. My scholars have faith in me as their teacher knowing that I lived through the struggle and I am living proof that you can achieve your dreams! I take great pride in that.

I truly believe that all my students can do anything their set their minds to, and I am truly blessed to be able to be here to empower and facilitate a safe space for them to expand their academic growth and mindset. This community has my heart beyond words.

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Relay Graduate School of Education

Relay Graduate School of Education is an accredited not-for-profit institution of higher education serving thousands of teachers and education leaders across the country. Our mission is to ensure that all students are taught by excellent educators, to build a more just world where every student has a clear path to a fulfilling life.


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