
Philly/ Delaware's WHYY-TV Highlights the Relay Teacher Residency Program in Colonial School District

May 9, 2023
Teacher Preparation
Relay Graduate School of Education

Bianca Nagy is in her second year in the classroom, teaching at Carrie Downie Elementary School in the Colonial School District, located just outside of Wilmington, Delaware. She always wanted to become a teacher, but didn't see a path toward the profession until she learned about Relay's Master of Arts in Teaching - Teacher Residency Program. So she switched careers, and after one year of graduate level classes and training under a mentor teacher, she is now leading her own 5th grade classroom.

"I made the right choice," Ms. Nagy says, "I'm here for a reason."

Find out more about how Relay partners with Colonial School District to help new teachers succeed in a segment on You Oughta Know, hosted by journalist Shirley Min. WHYY is the public TV station serving the Philadelphia and Wilmington regions.

Click the video image above to be directed to their site.

Relay Graduate School of Education

Relay Graduate School of Education is an accredited not-for-profit institution of higher education serving thousands of teachers and education leaders across the country. Our mission is to ensure that all students are taught by excellent educators, to build a more just world where every student has a clear path to a fulfilling life.


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