We offer professional learning workshops for teachers, organized by focus area. These workshops are offered individually, in curated series, or in customized packages tailored to the needs of your school community. Explore our offerings and contact us to design your team’s professional learning experience!
New Teacher Training
We are now offering new and novice teacher training directly to schools and districts! We have both virtual and in-person modalities available depending on what best fits the needs of your educators.

School, system, and district leaders can also explore our full catalog of workshops and select the ones that meet your needs. Our partnerships team will work closely with you to create a customized package that addresses a variety of priorities, or one topic in depth.
Trust us—we don’t want to sit through another boring webinar, either. See what we offer in a workshop experience.

We’re committed to working with schools and systems to make professional learning attainable for your school system.
Connect With Us
If you’re new to Relay, simply have a question about our offerings, or want to book a workshop, let us know and we can work to start creating your customized support.